
Friday, 15 June 2012


Since civilisations began this has been a 'mans world' with very few exceptions. In ancient Athens male citizens had rights to full civic participation whilst a woman's movement was restricted. Athens is regarded as the cradle of Western democracy. What's interesting is that at the same time in history Sparta, a militaristic Greek state ended up offering women more freedom and financial independence than any other city-state.

Spartan's had to serve in the military machine regardless of gender, this perhaps opened a door of mutual respect.
A woman from Attica (Athens) asked Gorgo the daughter of the Spartan King Cleomenes 'why are you Spartan women the only ones who rule over their husbands", she answered,"Because only we are the mothers of men". The Spartan society although hardcore had realised the necessity of empowering women.
This cooperative approach understood the need for strong children that only good mothers could provide. This was not objectifying women, this was allowing a society to cohesively work on the basis of equality.

The machines that men built to better their professions, ironically will leave man increasingly with less work to do.
Spartan women wrestling with men

NASA's humanoid robot
One of largest problems humanity faces today is overpopulation, some will argue that you could fit the worlds entire population into an area the size of Texas. Indeed you could, if we were all prepared to live in shoeboxes. The overpopulation myth lobby conveniently fails to mention that with a rise in population also comes a rise in consumption of resources. Some will respond, we have the technology to overcome that and if not now then quite possibly we may do soon.

Modern medicine and vaccines have helped extend our life expectancy and wipe out viruses and diseases that would have otherwise killed large numbers of the world's population.

Organisations like the Media and the UN have prevented the fifty year itch of large scale war, they encourage compulsory jaw not war.

Where do women come into this you may ask? Well, numerous studies have found that by empowering women not only do you promote equality but birth rates drop. As women become more independent and financially stable they also have more choices. When to have a child or whether to have a child.

This trend is not happening forcibly but naturally.

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